Rachael Rachael

Favorite Holiday Traditions

I'll be the first to admit I used to be a bit of a scrooge when it came to the holidays. Christmas was always fun as a kid, but as life became more complicated, it was less about holiday cheer and more about creating a harmonious schedule of house hopping between parents and families. I'm sure you other divorce kids know what I mean. When I first met Jim, I was still in my jaded "I-hate-Christmas" phase, but making new traditions as a couple has helped to melt my cold, Grinch heart. I also think growing up helps — the cooking, baking, boozing, and family gatherings just seem so much more fun as an adult. I love seeing friends and family visit from out of town, and dare I say, I even enjoy a good snowfall here and there (okay but after January, it's so not cool). I look forward to this time of year now more than ever, and it's mostly because of the way our celebrations have evolved. Here are some of my favorite traditions of the season:

Baking kolaches

My paternal grandma was Czech, and had her own yearly Christmas tradition of baking kolaches, which are an old-world Czech cookie. The dough is a true labor of love – it's a yeasted sour cream dough that takes over a day to rise, and then rolling/cutting/filling the dough with fruit preserves takes its own extra effort. When my grandma became too old to continue baking, my sister and I took over the kolaches to keep our family in full stock. My dad looks forward to these every year, so we can't miss a beat! We usually get together on Christmas Eve and have a beer, roll up our sleeves, and get to work. The whole process takes a few hours, but the reward is ever so sweet — and the process really keeps our grandma's spirit alive. I should also mention that if you're in the Cleveland area and want to try a kolache — call me. I haven't found a bakery around here that comes even close to the goodness of this recipe (and my dad agrees). 

The tree (of course)!

After tolerating our old fake tree from our apartment days, Jim and I finally sprung for a new artificial tree that better fits our space. It's a big, glorious fir that's full of lights. I always enjoy decorating our tree, but this year was even more exciting for that reason. It's so much bigger, I had to go out and buy more ornaments to fill it up! However, most of our ornaments were gifts to each other, or represent a vacation, milestone, or joke that we have. I love to open up the box of ornaments and unwrap them, one at a time, and enjoy the memories of when we got it, or what it represents. 

The Murray Family Christmas Party (#MFCP)

One of my best friend's families has been hosting a Christmas party for as long as I can remember. They do it up right — killer food with Italian flair, Kevin's oatmeal cookies, overflowing bowls of punch, and the outdoor ice luge brings a new meaning to "vodka on the rocks." Although our group of friends are now spread out across the country, sometimes a few of us are lucky enough to reunite at the party. It's also the place where my mom and stepdad met, 15 years ago, but that's a story for another day ;)

Christmas Eve

Both of our families have annual Christmas Eve gatherings, and no matter which one we go to, I have a great time visiting with our extended families. We are both blessed with lots of wonderful aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins and I love any excuse to see them. Their parties are always full of holiday appetizers, festive cocktails, hugs and laughs. It sounds incredible cheesy but I truly feel the warmth of the season when we all get together. I enjoy it just as much as Christmas day!

Gifting with Jim

Once all of our family time is finished, Jim and I make time for our Christmas — usually that night, once we're home and settled in. We light a fire, make a cheese board, enjoy a bottle of bubbly and exchange gifts. It's quiet and relaxed and we can take our time without having anywhere else to be. It's the perfect way to end the day.

I would love to know what you guys do for Christmas, or if you have made any new traditions. Every family and culture is different and I think that's what makes the holidays so interesting — it's just about celebrating what's important in whatever way that works for you. 



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Rachael Rachael

Recipe: Cranberry Gin + Ginger Cocktail

Ah, the holidays. The time of year when booze flows like water, and rightfully so. There's nothing like a little buzz to make all the family gatherings better (or you can just rely on Adele to fix everything). Luckily, I don't have any crazy relatives to dodge, so a good holiday cocktail is more of a pleasure than a remedy.

I tend to be a wine-with-dinner kind of girl, but starting off a party with a festive cocktail makes everything feel more special. This little drink has a pretty presentation that really says Christmas, and would look beautiful set up on a bar cart for a night of entertaining. I love the addition of the sugared cranberries – they look snow-covered and totally holiday ready. They are also really tasty on their own, so you can set out any extras in a little dish for people to snack on. This recipe is super easy and you can scale up the recipe depending on your number of guests (or if it's just you...ain't no shame in that game). 


4 oz cranberry juice

2 oz ginger ale

Splash of apple juice

1 oz gin of choice (I use Bombay)

Fresh rosemary sprigs

Sugared cranberries for garnish (recipe below)


Fill a cocktail shaker with ice. Pour in cranberry juice, apple juice, and gin and shake to mix. Pour into rocks glass with ice, and add your ginger ale. Garnish with a sprig of rosemary and sugared cranberries – you can place them loose into the drink, or line them up on a toothpick or cocktail pick.


1 cup cranberries

1 cup water

1 1/2 cup sugar

In a small saucepan, combine cranberries, water, and 1 cup of the sugar. Heat on high until the water begins to boil, then remove from the heat. Let them stand for about 5 minutes – you want the cranberries to be whole, and not split open (a few of mine did anyway). 

Once they're ready, drain the liquid and transfer the cranberries to a plate to cool for a few minutes. On another small plate, place the remaining 1/2 cup of sugar and roll the cranberries in the sugar, a few at a time. Place them on another plate or prep board to cool and dry for 10-15 minutes before inserting cocktail picks for garnish.

And that's it! You're on your way to holiday cocktail party bliss. 

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Rachael Rachael

Free Printable Valentines

Happy Monday – and February, everyone!

Hope you've all recovered from your Super Bowl comas, and are ready for dessert! Valentine dessert, that is. The season of love is the season of sweets – so, it's kind of my favorite. To spread the love, I have some free printable Valentines for you. So save your money for candy – all you have to do is hit print and cut them out! 

These are perfect for friends or family, and can nicely accompany whatever treats you're giving out at work or school. The printable file is letter sized, and each Valentine is single-sided and fits an A2 envelope (about 3.75x5"). I recommend printing on a white or cream cardstock for best results. Click the link below to download the file, and be sure to let me know if you run into download or print issues. ENJOY, feel free to share, and have a lovely Monday!
Click here to download the printable file.

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Rachael Rachael

Happy 2014!

Happy New Year, everyone! Who's excited for a fresh start? Even though 2013 was a great year, I'm still relishing in the excitement of a clean slate. I think many great things are to come.

I don't make resolutions for the year, per se, but I do take time to set some goals that are achievable on a daily or weekly basis. I've found that those small promises are easier to keep and lead to more long-term lifestyle changes, which are really more effective in the long run. For example, I had a vague goal last year to get in shape (who doesn't) and I promised myself I would hit up a class once a week. When I started, I ended up loving my new routine so much that I couldn't live without several yoga or barre classes per week. It just became a part of me and I didn't feel healthy and "me" without it. That's when I knew this change was for good. I'm proud of how my lifestyle has improved and am excited to keep it up, and reach even higher, this upcoming year.

I would love to know if you have your own secrets about fulfilling resolutions. Did you make some this year, and how do you plan on tackling them?
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Rachael Rachael

Christmas Card Outtakes

Hello again, Monday. You are usually not my friend, but since we're in holiday-countdown mode, I'll be nice.

Our Christmas cards were made and sent last week, and picking just one photo was pretty impossible. I guess we could have sent out a couple designs, but I'm an uncomplicated girl and that just seemed unnecessary. So here are some of our favorites and a few outtake shots from our little shoot with my talented pal Jenna Hunger. I'm still totally obsessed with Jim's red + navy plaid — a little more unexpected but still so perfectly Christmasy. 

Getting a dog to smile and say cheese requires a three-ring circus of treats and squeaky toys, but we finally got the right shot of the three of us.

So this was the winner. Thank you, Cooper, for finally understanding what I mean when I say "vogue!" (just kidding).

Hope you guys have a short week ahead, full of gift wrapping and cookie baking! I'll be back on Wednesday with my go-to Christmas cookie recipes. You won't want to miss every delicious bite!
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Rachael Rachael

Holiday Ornaments

Happy {Cyber} Monday everyone!

I am trying not to get overwhelmed by holiday deals, but really...how can I help myself when a 50% off sale is happening? But I digress...

Now that the turkey and stuffing has settled, it's totally time for Christmas mode. We put our tree up on Friday and didn't waste any time decorating—I've never decorated so early, but I think having Thanksgiving so late made me ready to move on to the holiday season.

I'm happy to have a collection of hand-painted ornaments up in the shop, as well as on display in Made in the 216. They're all delightfully simple and have gold metallic details—and the monograms especially make for a great gift topper. I plan on using them to personalize gifts for friends.

 Have you started shopping and decorating yet? Are you totally feeling the holiday love this year?
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Rachael Rachael

Made in the 216 Holiday Shoppe

It's that time of year again!

The ever-fabulous Made in the 216 Holiday Shoppe launches with a bang this Friday, the 29th and runs until Christmas Eve. If you're interested in more local-focused Black Friday shopping, then head to Room Service for some handmade goods, a hot toddy, and some sweets!

I'm thrilled to have some prints and handmade ornaments in this year's shoppe. This event is not to be missed!

More details below - hope to see you all there!

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Rachael Rachael

Target Holiday: Cozy Luxe

Our pumpkins were practically still lit when Target came out with their holiday decor collections, which always seems too abrupt, but their decor for holiday is absolutely killing it (per usual) so I don't even mind. I'm so on board.

 I love decorating for the holidays but I like to keep it subtle. Anything I buy has to be flexible enough that it could pass as everyday decor (besides our Christmas tree, of course). Typically I keep things neutral and just add a lot of sparkle and metallics, which is why these Target finds are getting me right into the holiday spirit. Affordable and chic—there's really nothing better.

Have you started to decorate yet? I wanted to keep my pumpkins and wheat up until Thanksgiving, but I'm not sure I can wait much longer for Christmas to move in!
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Rachael Rachael

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween everyone! I'm looking forward to a night of hard cider and Trick-or-Treating at the house. All of our neighbors come out and I love seeing all of the kids' cute costumes. I seriously look forward to Halloween all year! I'm a dork.

Hope you all have something fun planned, or at least have some treats to enjoy tonight. I've been eating so much candy corn lately that it's showing up in my doodles—so I went ahead and channeled my craving into this pattern.

Happy haunting!
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Rachael Rachael

What Scares You?

I've been on a major ghost story kick this week—from reading this thread on Jezebel to watching episodes of Celebrity Ghost Stories (don't laugh, it's amazing). I guess it's Halloween taking it's hold on me, but I've also always been interested in "the unexplainable"... I'm getting chills just talking about it.

I'm curious to hear about your creepy fears—are you afraid of ghosts? Clowns? The dark? Or are spiders pretty much your only fear? (I mean seriously, who actually isn't afraid of spiders).

One of the things that creeped me out the most growing up was my grandmother's basement. She was a ceramic artist and held classes once a week in her studio, which was in the basement of her house. She had two kilns down there, so she would use molds and fire a bunch of "blank" pieces to keep in stock for her students (and my siblings) to paint. The main room was lined with shelves from floor to ceiling, filled with white ceramic pieces. There were piggy banks, animals, figurines, decorative dolls...everything you could imagine. And it was creepy as hell. I would always be afraid to go down there by myself—it felt like everything was watching you. All of these smiling cartoon Easter bunnies, with their frozen expressions, were like an image out of a murderer doll-maker's shop. Obviously my grandma wasn't a murderer, but I don't think she had any idea how creeped out I was by that room. It was always so quiet down there too, and unless she was down there with me, helping me paint, I never felt at ease.

I  can't believe I was able to find a photo of the basement. See what I mean? To this day, I'm still a little weirded out by dolls.

So, what creepy things are you avoiding this Halloween? And even better—have you ever seen a ghost?
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