Happy 2014!

Happy New Year, everyone! Who's excited for a fresh start? Even though 2013 was a great year, I'm still relishing in the excitement of a clean slate. I think many great things are to come.

I don't make resolutions for the year, per se, but I do take time to set some goals that are achievable on a daily or weekly basis. I've found that those small promises are easier to keep and lead to more long-term lifestyle changes, which are really more effective in the long run. For example, I had a vague goal last year to get in shape (who doesn't) and I promised myself I would hit up a class once a week. When I started, I ended up loving my new routine so much that I couldn't live without several yoga or barre classes per week. It just became a part of me and I didn't feel healthy and "me" without it. That's when I knew this change was for good. I'm proud of how my lifestyle has improved and am excited to keep it up, and reach even higher, this upcoming year.

I would love to know if you have your own secrets about fulfilling resolutions. Did you make some this year, and how do you plan on tackling them?

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