Blog Design: The Style Letters

A project many months in the making, this week was the official launch of my dear friend Maria's blog, the style letters. Back in January, Maria and I had a conversation about giving her blog a little facelift, and after hearing some of her ideas and inspiration for the look, I was in! I got an instant visual from hearing her explain what she wanted — pretty, boutique-y, blush and coral, touch of sparkle — so I couldn't wait to get started making her blog dreams come true (yes, blog dreams are a thing)!

Maria and I met over many working happy hours (at Beer Engine, and Pier W to name a few) and decided on a logo, business card, and finalized a style guide (above) for her blog and branding. With the need for a web and print presence, we pored over Pantone books to give her a perfectly tailored color palette for online use and printed brand materials.

I dove into the blog template to extend the columns for larger, more impactful photos, and to add in a specialty typeface (Josephin Slab) to make her words shine. For her branding typography, we went with two beautiful classics: Bodoni Bold, and Futura Light.

The entire blog was rebuilt over a fun (and delicious) working session at my house, with more candy than any person should ever consume, a mac and cheese pizza, and some spicy grapefruit margaritas.

The project came together without a hitch (so far!) and I'm so proud to have played a part in Maria's brand new look. You can read more about the process, photographers, and upcoming features on the style letters right here.

We'll be celebrating the launch with a Madewell shopping party at Beachwood Place this Sunday, from 3–6pm. Anyone is welcome to stop by and say hello! Perhaps I'll see you there, and if not, I'll be sharing plenty of photos here, and on Instagram. Cheers to fresh starts!

If you have a blog project of you're own you'd like to discuss, you can email me at

the style letters' Re-Launch Party


Beer Sweet Beer