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Home Office Organization


Happy New Year! Phew, guys – we made it.

While there are many unknowns still ahead, I feel a glimmer of hope for what’s on the horizon for 2021. This will definitely be a winter unlike any other – spending even more time indoors – and one of my favorite things to do during this season is to organize and declutter our spaces.

I’ve been working from home since March, so my office has been serving the dual purpose of supporting my work at my day job, and running Shore Society in my off-hours. With new needs for the space, I did some decluttering and re-arranged the storage options on the shelves to hold my supplies, packaging materials, and smaller products/samples. We also did a big overhaul on the closet, adding shelves for inventory and some lighting, and it’s made a HUGE difference from the mess it was before!

With less stuff, some new decor, and some gifted bins and baskets from iDesign, the office is feeling fresh and ready for a new year! I’ve share some photos on Instagram already, but have had lots of requests for links and sources, so I’ve linked everything that’s available online below. Hope this provides some inspiration if you’re looking to spruce up your workspace, too!

Shore Society — Home Office Organization
Shore Society — Home Office Organization
Shore Society - Nautical Home Office
Shore Society — Home Office Organization
Shore Society — Home Office Organization
Shore Society — Home Office Organization
Shore Society — Home Office Organization


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home Rachael Koenig home Rachael Koenig

Our Home Tour on Modern CLE

Have you guys been reading Modern CLE? If not, what are you doing — head over there now and catch up! It’s a digital magazine for the modern Northeast Ohio girl, covering money, politics, lifestyle, career, and more. It just launched in early November and is already making quite a (well-deserved) presence for itself!

I was so honored to be their first home tour feature, and to share more about our renovations and design process. If you’ve been following my blog for some time, you’ll know we’ve been slowly working away on our Lakewood colonial, which is about to turn 100 next year. I’ve loved sharing the progress with you, and continue to receive lots of questions about the products and items featured in our home — and I truly appreciate all of the feedback and interest! We tried to list the sources for everything pictured in the photos, so hopefully that will be a helpful resource if you’re looking for something similar for your space.

You can head over to read the post here — with a huge thank you to Kayla Coleman Photography for her time and talent on these beautiful photos. I’ll treasure them always.

You can also click here to view previous posts on our home renovations.

Thank you all for reading!

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