Rachael Rachael

WMC Fest 2012 Wrap-up

What an insane weekend. I honestly don't even know where to start! Not only was this weekend really big for me personally, but I was also just so psyched to enjoy the fest like last year—in the presence of some incredible people, design, and music.

I wish I saw enough talks to give a play-by-play of the speakers like I did last year, but with working a table both days, it was very tough to be in two places at once. However, I can at least share a bit about my experience and what it was like to be on the other side of the fest. If you're looking for some great write-ups, check out here, here and here (you will also be able to see the true fluorescence of my pants somewhere in there).

This was my first time speaking {ever} and I had so much fun. I can't wait to do it again. The first time is always the hardest - but the ice has been broken! My talk was called Side Hustle, and was aimed at encouraging young designers to continue working for themselves even after getting a steady 9-to-5. It's so vital to remain relevant outside of your job, and I gave some tips about how to make this process less overwhelming.

After the talk I made a beeline for the Happy Dog to get some food (and a big, cold beer! woo!) and then we checked out some of the bands at Saigon Plaza. You can tell I'm pretty relieved at this point ;)

I had a vendor table set up in the iLTHY Workshop gallery both Saturday and Sunday, and we had a great little crew. It was a tight space behind the tables so we all got reeeeal familiar with each other (occasional ass bumps will do that).

We had a great crew in the gallery - behind me was Dan Cassaro, Nate Utesch, Dan Christofferson, and rocking the other side was JenBrandon Rike, Aaron from OKPANTS, Oliver Barrett, and Brian Jasinski from Grey Cardigan

I met so many amazing people – who were either working with me or passing through the gallery – so that was a benefit of being at my table all day on Sunday. I don't think I would have met half the people I did if I was just hanging out seeing the bands/speakers. 

The fest was amazing as always, and it was incredible to see the amount of people who came out this weekend – WMC is definitely growing and gaining some serious momentum. It's just proof that there's such great strength and energy in the creative community, and that "if you build it, they will come." So if that doesn't give you a swift kick in the ass to get your latest project off the ground, I don't know what will. There isn't anything we can't accomplish with our passion, networks, and relentless hard work.

Big thanks to all my friends and family who came out to help, support, be there, etc. You guys are THE BEST. And thank you to Dean for taking these photos – I pretty much blinked and the weekend was over, and had barely any pics to show for it.

So did you guys attend WMC? Who was your favorite speaker or band – and what did you love about the weekend?
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Rachael Rachael

Made in the 216 Wrap-Up

Made in the 216 has wrapped and I wanted to share some photos from the ah-mazing opening party at the brand new Dredger's Union store. The event had a circus theme so there were banners, balloons, and a bigtop to bring it all together.

The place was totally packed (a good sign)!

I found my framed prints...

...and the unframed ones too.

Really liked these Cleveland neighborhood/street name prints.

Loved that they had a circus photo-op booth (complete with clown noses)! Brigitte and I got a few good pictures.

Brigitte and Dave...this is so cute!

After we sifted through the product for at least an hour (there was so much!) we headed over to Greenhouse for the after party. Unfortunately we couldn't get on the roof to see the bands—they were at capacity—but we posted up at the bar and still got to enjoy the crowd. Congrats and thank you to Danielle, Jennie and all involved for all of their hard work...the opening was awesome and I was so happy to see so many people excited about the new retail coming to downtown.

And with that, I'll leave you with this (awesome) message:

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Rachael Rachael

Made in the 216 Opening!

Opens tonight!! I am beyond excited to be a part of 216 again this year, and can't wait to see everyone out on E. 4th tonight. I'll be out there for a few hours so please be sure to say hi (and of course buy some amazing Cleveland-made products)!
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