Rachael Koenig Rachael Koenig

Spooky Season Playlist: 2021

The countdown to Halloween is on! I can’t believe we’re here already. It’s time to share this year’s Spooky Season playlist – this one is moody, atmospheric and creepy, with some fun party tunes in there for good measure.

Enjoy it on repeat during your workday, or save it for Halloween night – hopefully it puts you in the spirit!

Click below to listen and follow on Spotify:

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lifestyle Rachael Koenig lifestyle Rachael Koenig

Beach House Playlist | 2021

Shore Society | Beach House Playlist 2021

I look forward to putting these Beach House playlists together every year; they each take on a life of their own that captures the feeling of the times – this one is no different. Full of chill vibes and some singalong moments perfect for a bonfire or the boat; with glimmers of optimism that reflect how I’m sure we’re all feeling going into this summer. It feels like the right time to sing along with John Hiatt:

“Thank God the tiki bar is open, thank God the tiki torch still shines”

Link to listen and follow on Spotify is below – enjoy!

Shore Society | Beach House Playlist '21
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lifestyle Rachael Koenig lifestyle Rachael Koenig

Beach House Playlist | 2020

It’s hard to put a finger on what summer will look like this year — it will definitely be different, but hopefully it will be equal parts weird and wild. While we had to cancel our summer vacations, we’re still making time for our favorite things, and thankfully boating and beaching can still be done safely. That’s mostly what I need for a fun summer anyway — how about you?

This year’s playlist has some upbeat tracks (we need ‘em right now!) as well as some chilled out, vibey tunes for floating on the lake or driving during sunset. It’s a collection of some of my favorite songs of the moment, so I hope you enjoy them too!

The lineup for the playlist is below, and you can play it right from this post or click here to view it on Spotify. Feel free to subscribe and play it all summer long!

Shore Society Beach House Playlist 2020.jpg
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lifestyle Rachael Koenig lifestyle Rachael Koenig

Beach House Playlist | 2018

Shore Society Beach House Playlist.jpg

It's spring (finally!) and while the weather is certainly taking its time, we're in summer prep mode over at our house. I've been composing a few playlists for when warm days arrive, and wanted to share my little soundtrack for the season like I did last year. This playlist is meant to feel like a hazy summer day...for when you've been in the sun all day and your skin is warm and you don't have a care in the world, and maybe a little beer buzz ;) It looks like we'll be getting a bit of a warmup this week, so hopefully this will help get you in the spirit for rolling those windows down!

Jim and I dubbed last year "the summer of Steely Dan" so you best believe I had to sneak a little Steely onto this year's list. We're going to see them play at Blossom this summer and fully expect to be the youngest people there (#whatever). I have been playing some of Tom Petty's later albums on repeat, so I included Have Love, Will Travel, which is gunning for a spot in my top 10 tunes of his. I am also loving the vibe and storytelling of The Trip to Pirate's Cove — it's perfect for summer drive. The Tame Impala remix of Miguel's Waves is basically made for the beach and complements some of the hazier tracks on the list by Future Islands and Washed Out. 

You can click here to listen, or use the player below. Feel free to follow the playlist to save it to your account! You can also find last year's playlist here. Enjoy it with a hearty squeeze of lime and sunshine! 

Beach House Playlist - Shore Society.jpg
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lifestyle Rachael Koenig lifestyle Rachael Koenig

Beach House Playlist

After that insanely gorgeous weekend, I know I'm not the only one 100% in summer mode. Beer in the fridge, porch furniture dusted off, let's go. Anything we can do to turn our home into our own personal beach house — we're game for (this sounds like a Corona ad but hey...#findyourbeach #idonthateit). You can't have a chill fest without tunes, so I thought I'd share what I'm playing this year.

I've listened to this mix on repeat and made plenty of edits — we're down to 20 songs here but they are all pretty glorious. Quality > quantity. This is ideal for playing nice and loud while you cook or grill or drive with the windows down — no actual beach needed. The shake-your-ass beach mix is a tale for another day — this one's full of atmospheric indie, a few classic throwbacks and some let-your-hair-down rock. That Van Morrison buried treasure — hot damn, the breakdown! The Childish Gambino track is one of my summer favorites — it has seagulls in it, for goodness sake! 

Hopefully it passes the vibes on to you, too. And if you have an actual beach house I can hang out in, hiiiiiiiiii, I'll be right there.

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