shop talk Rachael Koenig shop talk Rachael Koenig

WELCOME TO: Our Brick + Mortar Shop in Cleveland!

Interior view of Shore Society's shop with a table of products

While this post is long overdue (we have been open since November, haha) I wanted to share some info about all things shop in this space. Instagram has been getting the most up to date info and behind the scenes – but this deserves its own post here!

Many of you who have been longtime readers or customers might know that opening a physical space has been a dream of mine for quite some time. I had some plans in motion a few years ago, and then — surprise — 2020 showed up. It was frustrating to pause everything indefinitely (as with everything else in our lives), but I prepared myself to pick it all back up when things stabilized.

As we slowly crawled out of the peak of the pandemic, I still had doubts about what the year ahead could look like, what challenges we might face, and how I could level up my commitment to the business while already wearing so many hats. With the support and encouragement of family, friends, and collaborators, I knew it was worth the chance to see this come to life and time to say YES, LET’S DO IT!

Retail shop with racks of white, gray, and navy blue sweatshirts, with table of accessories

Located in the Hingetown neighborhood in Ohio City, we’re in a highly walkable, densely populated area – full of great places to eat and drink, lively patios, and the cutest neighborhood dogs! Because of that, our shop is dog friendly – so if you stop in, be sure to bring your furry friend up to the counter for a cookie (or two). We’re located next to Him & His, another new shop full of stylish decor, vintage pieces, and home accessories. Our shops are connected with an interior entrance, too, so you can shop freely between our spaces!

We are excited to offer FREE in-store pickup of your local orders – simply shop online as usual, and select the pickup option at checkout.

When you stop in, free street parking is available in the neighborhood – usually we have spots open on Detroit Ave. or nearby on W.29th or Church Ave. There are also paid parking options at the Transformer Station and in the Church + State parking garage.

If you haven’t visited yet, I hope to see you soon! We’ve been adding more new arrivals and partner brands to the shop every few weeks, so stay tuned to our social channels for the latest product launches. I can’t wait to enjoy all of the seasons in the shop in the year ahead. We wouldn’t be here without all of your support – and for that, I am so grateful!

Checkout counter with rattan pendant lights
Brunette woman putting vase of flowers on retail checkout counter
Fitting room with white brick walls, mirrors, and a blue Turkish style rug
Retail shop with white, navy, and gray sweatshirts with Lake Erie designs
Bottles of lotion on table in retail shop
Rolls of hand towels in a basket
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shop talk Rachael Koenig shop talk Rachael Koenig

Shop Talk: Working the Weekend

2017-02-09 22.54.52-3.jpg

One of the realities of working a full-time job and operating a creative business: there is never. enough. time. in a day. I used to try to cram my entire to-do list into my evenings, then before I knew it,  it was midnight and I'd accomplished nothing other than stress eating a bag of Reese's Pieces. Hopefully none of you have ever found stray Reese's Pieces in your orders (and if so, you're welcome) ;)

Getting my business tasks done on the weekend is inevitable, but I now enjoy setting aside dedicated time to work and it helps my weekdays feel less scattered and stressful. There's a fine line here — I definitely think it's important to allow for personal time and socializing — which should be prioritized in the same way you prioritize work. These are some of my main practices for staying productive, but not overworked, when I find myself working the weekend.


I carry a Field Notes steno pad with me and write down everything I need to do, no matter how small. Even if it's to order more supplies, or follow up on an email. When juggling a lot of tasks, it really helps me keep things straight. I used to use a day planner, but instead of assigning tasks to days, I prefer to keep it fluid. I like to check off the small things during the week, and save the tasks that take the longest for the weekend. Running to the post office is easy to do on my lunch break or after work, while sitting down to sketch for a few hours is better saved for the weekend. 


Some weekends, my priority is to finish off a project, and other times my top priority is to have brunch with a friend. Or take my dog for a long walk. Both are important and it's okay to put your project on the back burner if you don't have a pressing deadline. Self motivation is key in an independent business, but not everything is worth stressing over. I schedule time for things I enjoy — like baking, reading, or working out — and give them equal weight. You can't be your creative best if you're not feeding your soul, so take care of that, too. 


I'm fortunate enough to have a studio in our house with plenty of space to work and store my products. We recently did some minor updates and reorganized, and the space feels better than ever. I feel very 'at home' in my studio and never dread heading there for a day of work. Figuring out how I needed the space to function made it so much easier to make a plan and execute it. We added shelving into the closet to store my apparel, mugs, and packing supplies and it's so incredibly helpful to have everything at my fingertips. It saves time, effort, and frustration. It sounds obvious but having baskets, bins, and files organized makes such a difference, whether you have a single desk setup or an entire room.


With my space set and ready to go, I like to create an environment that's enjoyable and relaxing. I like to light a candle, turn my music up, and clear off the armchair for Cooper so he can keep me company. Grabbing a drink and a snack allows me to focus and not have to get up if I get hungry. If I leave my desk too much I tend to get distracted, so I make sure I have what I need before diving in. 


On that note (and I'm so bad at this) — I also recommend putting your phone far, far away. Like for real, in the other room. It seems like one minute I'm responding to a text, the next I'm somehow watching a DIY video about making your own it just me? Haha. It's a time suck, and the sooner you get your work done, the sooner you can get back to the other stuff. So put that darn phone away!

As with anything, my to-do list ebbs and flows. There are times when I have my weekends free, and times when I'm hitting the studio on Saturday and Sunday. I truly enjoy doing it, though, and I also enjoy my full-time job. And that's okay; it's just about balance. I've figured out what works for me, and it helps to know there are a lot of people out there doing the same thing. If you're passionate about your side gig, there are ways to find the time and still enjoy the journey! 

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