in love with: my windsor oxford

I've had my eye on the elusive Windsor Oxford since the girls over at Design Sponge mentioned it in a bike-centric post. It seemed the perfect combination of good looks, classic styling, and FUNCTION—which for me is the winning combo. I already had a bike, a beautiful black and white Schwinn cruiser, that I got as a birthday gift from my mom back in college. It was love at first sight with it. I rode it around campus all the time.

(nice right? the thing rides like a Cadillac)

But within the last few years, I've gotten accustomed to riding farther and farther, and more often, for all those short trips and errands. I need to be able to conquer hills, feel nimble and quick riding in the streets, and be able to pedal my ass off when Jim is flying ahead of me. So when I saw the Oxford, it felt like a true match for what I needed. But I didn't buy, I just looked and drooled and coveted and hoped I would win the lottery.

Then Friday, I did.

I thought it was an April Fools joke. Somehow, my sneaky little boyfriend had ordered the bike, taken it to get assembled, and rolled it into our apartment without me having the slightest clue. I guess I had talked about it enough that he knew the color I wanted (a classic navy), and got help from my sister in getting the right size.

There were obviously a lot of tears at first but then I got really excited to ride it. We had plans on Friday night so we decided to take it out for its maiden voyage the next morning. We rode to Century Cycles to get some accessories, and then rode back to Lakewood to get brunch. The whole ride was about seven miles, and the bike rode like a dream. It was amazing to have different gears to ride in, and to have a frame that was light enough to not wear me out (my cruiser weighs a whopping 40 pounds). This is definitely a bike for getting shit done.

(headband, hood, scarf, was cold)

My new-bike-joy is in full swing and it's perfect timing for the (albeit slowly) warming temps. So if you see me on the road this summer, 1) wave 2) don't hit me 3) meet me at whiskey island, that's probably where I'm headed.




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