spring thaw

Yesterday was the first official day of spring, and I'm so excited that it actually feels like it's true. There aren't many things I love more than that first day that you DON'T need a coat! It was so nice here last week on St. Patrick's Day, that we were able to walk to the bar with only light jackets, and there was hardly any chill in the air.

We thought it was appropriate to christen another year on our balcony with our new chairs and table that we bought months ago. Last year we had some old green and white director's chairs but the weather pretty much destroyed them. The new ones are at least made to be outside, so thankfully we can just leave them out.

I didn't waste any time, and reclaimed my spot on the balcony and watched Jim break in his new softball glove. We spent so much time out there last summer and it felt good to be back.

I'm also ready to pick fresh flowers, and we're going to be planting lots of herbs on the balcony too. Jim's dad built us a custom little potter box that runs along the railing at one end, and just kind of hangs in thin air. It'll be perfectly convenient once it warms up enough to plant them :)




snow tracks