2016 | Year in Review

The new year lies ahead, and while I don't believe much in resolutions (I will never stop eating candy so forget it), I do believe in reflection and taking stock of the milestones of the past year. It's been a busy one for SS, and also a year full of personal growth. Without a wedding to plan, I've had more time to explore, create, COOK and enjoy the pace of life without so many moving parts. That was much needed after the chaotic (but oh so amazing) year prior.

Jim and I have made it our New Year's Eve tradition to treat ourselves to a nice, long dinner out, sip some bub and make our plans for the year ahead. It really helps us focus (if you know us personally, you know we're totally GO GO GO all the time) so we have to prioritize.

Last year, we talked about putting our kitchen remodel on the short list, and we're both so insanely glad we were able to do it this year! My home studio got a much-needed refresh, which has given me more storage for inventory and space for packing orders (or as we call them, "shore-ders"...haha). We also celebrated a couple of big milestones—my 30th birthday, and shortly after, toasted to our first anniversary with a lobster-filled trip through Cape Cod. As an extra surprise, our wedding was featured by BRIDES with the help of Kayla Coleman Photography's gorgeous photos! 

I'm thrilled to have met some new collaborators and clients this year, who have also become friends. The year started off with a full branding and website project for Stella & Shay Beauty Bar, which opened right here in Lakewood. Many, many meetings and brainstorms led to the design as it is today, and it's so fun to see the salon in full swing! I also loved working with Sapphire Pear on their exclusive tea towel designs for everyday and holiday. 

And let's not forget - Cleveland had quite the year! Between the Cavs becoming NBA Champions and the Indians' amazing World Series run, we spent most of the year entrenched in playoff sports (which is something I never thought I'd experience as a native)! I hope we can do it all again next year, although two game sevens are more than my heart can take! 

So in our usual style, we'll be headed out tonight and looking forward to what lies ahead. We have a trip to Italy planned for the end of summer, but the rest is mostly a blank canvas, which is my favorite kind. Thank you all for reading, for shopping, for your continued support. I wouldn't be able to do what I love without you. THANK YOU and I wish you guys the best in 2017! 


Shop Talk: Five Favorite Podcasts


Shore Society for Sapphire Pear | Holiday Edition